Khabib Nurmagomedov threatens to quit the UFC

The fallout following the brawl after the McGregor v Khabib UFC 229 lightweight championship fight continues, with the champion taking to social media declaring he is ready to walk away from the fight franchise. Nurmagomedov has declared that if UFC President Dana White sticks to his word and fires Russian teammate Zubaira Tukhogov, a UFC fighter under contract, then he will terminate his own contract.
Zubaira Tukhogov was one of Khabib’s team that jumped into the octagon and attacked McGregor after the fight, with White stating those involved will be fired from the UFC.
Tukhogov is set to face Conor McGregor’s teammate Artem Lobov in the co-main event at UFC Moncton later this month, however his position on the card remains in question following White’s threat.
In a show of defiance aimed at the UFC, Nurmagomedov has come out in defence of his training partner and for good measure also directed one at the Nevada Athletic Commission, stating that they can keep his fight purse they have currently withheld.
“I would like to address @ufc,” he wrote.
“Why didn’t you fire anyone when their team attacked the bus and injured a couple of people? They could have killed someone there, why no one says anything about insulting my homeland, religion, nation, family?
“Why do you have to punish my team, when both teams fought. If you say that I started it, then I do not agree, I finished what he had started.
“In any case, punish me, @zubairatukhugovhas nothing to do with that.
If you think that I’ll keep silent then you are mistaken. You canceled Zubaira’s fight and you want to dismiss him just because he hit Conor. But don’t forget that it was Conor who had hit my another Brother FIRST, just check the video.
“if you decide to fire him, you should know that you’ll lose me too. We never give up on our brothers in Russia and I will go to the end for my Brother. If you still decide to fire him, don’t forget to send me my broken contract, otherwise I’ll break it myself.
“And one more thing, you can keep my money that you are withholding. You are pretty busy with that, I hope it won’t get stuck in your throat. We have defended our honor and this is the most important thing. We intend to go to the end.