6th of November 2023
This event is a standard Leaderboard event as part of the Enteractive Race to Spain 2023/24 series and carries 1x Leaderboard points.

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Players can play anytime on Monday 6th of November, although 8 tee times will be reserved for the society to be filled. A players Entry is confirmed as long as they register on Golf Game Book before the start of their round. They must also play with one or more players who are also registered for the tournament.
The event will be open to both members and non members of the Golf Club. There is a 10 Euro entry fee associated with this event. Non members will then be required to pay their own green fee.
The tournament format for this Individual Event will be Stableford with maximum Handicaps of 28 for Men and 36 for Women with full handicap allowance for the competition. All scoring managed via the GOLF GAME BOOK App.
Prizes will be Awarded To The Following –
* 1st Place Individual – 80 Euro’s Credit
* 2nd Place Individual – 50 Euro’s Credit
* 3rd Place Individual – 20 Euro’s Credit
Leaderboard points will be spread down to 20th place for all events.
**PLEASE NOTE** – Entry is only confirmed once you have added your details via the Entry form on Golf Game Book and paid the fee.
For Entry please send a transfer of 10 Euros to the following account –
Sans Ltd
BOV IBAN – MT98VALL 2201 3000 0000 4002 5327 760
Sans Ltd C/O NM Group, Northlink Business Centre, Burmurrad Road, Naxxar, NXR 6345.
Text – Enteractive Nov 2023