SPORTSvox Supporting Local Brain Foundation

SPORTSvox Players Dig Deep for Brain Foundation
Throughout the months of July and August, SPORTSvox and its playing members have been supporting a local charity. SPORTSvox donated all tournament entries throughout July, totalling 500 euros. In addition a further 300 euros was collected from the players in August. The total raised for The Brain Foundation came to 800 Euros overall. It was a pleasure to have Marqos speak about his work during the Enteractive Cup.
A fantastic effort from everybody involved. Having personally seen what Marqos at the Brain Foundation gives to the less fortunate on an ongoing basis, it was really nice to be able to give something back.
Developing The ‘Marqos Method’
The Brain Foundation was initially set up to help victims of an Earthquake in Italy back in 2016. The Foundation aims to better and dignify the human beings’ condition taking into special consideration children and minors. Since then it has helped in various different ways to help and is now utilising the magic of sport.
The scheme was introduced in a school 60 kms from Damascus, Syria during 2018. The rugby training sessions were proposed to AWAS for the children hosted at HFO centre. The green light was given and they started straight away.
This program which is developed through a method called Marqos Method©. This has been studied and created to help children/minors to recover from PTSD caused by war. Results we have had are brilliant in this field and several initiatives are currently running in Malta. Just last year the scheme was supporting the Malta Special Olympics via the Rugby training method to their transition group.
To learn more about all the great activities that the Foundation run you can see more at their website here The Brain Foundation.
There is also a very active Facebook page where you can get involved or volunteer to assist with upcoming events.
I would like to personally wish Marqos all the best for his ongoing activities and dedicating his life to helping others.
Supporting Local Organisations
Each year at SPORTSvox we will try and arrange an activity or support a local organisation through our events. If there is a charity or foundation that you feel will benefit from support through SPORTSvox and our members, then please reach out.
Whether its to become a new sponsor, suggest an event, give up your time or purely donate, every little piece goes a long way to help.
Thanks Marqos